Pre workout drink that will get you going.

Got up at 330am , flew all morning to phoenix , got to the hotel tired and hungry. Made the mistake of eating a burger and after that the couch was where I wanted to stay. I almost did not follow through with my training. I was supposed to do an hour and 15 minute run in preparation to my half marathon next week. I ended up drinking my amazing pre workout drink, got out of the couch and did my run. Want my recipe?? My sustain electrolyte + a bit of discipline + 2 spoons of accountability. The last part does the magic. Stay accountable to those you respect and love. In business and fitness it will make sure you reach your goals. Trust me. It works. Surround yourself with people that support your goals and dreams. If your friends don’t support you or make fun of you , find new friends. Dream big , small dreams have no magic. #dreams #accountability #preworkout

What changed it all for me:

Somethig so simple that got me from delivering pizza into starting my own business and traveling the world.

Came to this country in 1999 for a dream. With no formal education my first jobs were delivering pizza and landscape. Gor involved with an opportunity in order to get ahead and although I did not malke much money i learned one thing that reshaped my fanancial future. Personal growth. I believed in it and went on to read dozens of book and to attend many seminars. From landmark to millionaire mind, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, and many others. I continue to invest in myself and have seeing my team and many friends benefit from this same principle. What books are you reading and what seminars will attend this year? Share it with me.

“This is the very first book i red” It saved me from beeing broke:

The art of focus:

#personalgrowth #ExpendYourMind #thinkandgrowrich

100 top Books

Time Never Stops

As I was running today for one hour 

and my mind was wondering all over,

I was paying attention to the clock and how

It did not miss a bit. 

I would run faster and it just kept ticking. 

I would runner slower and the seconds kept going

at the same pace.  

The time just never stopped. 

And I thought, how so many times we try to stop the time. 

We get anxious about the future or fearful thinking about

Our past and to distract ourselves we eat, we drink, 

We play games, we try to have more or do more numbing ourselves

just to realize later that the time has never stopped. 

2013 Trip to Brazil

I am all for dreaming big and being prosperous. 

Having an abundant life with health and wealth.  

And I work and expect that in my life, while enjoying each second of it.

Success is not the end result. Its not a “one day I’ll have such and such and then I will be happy” type of thing. That my friend is wasting time. 

Success is enjoying the failures, the No’s, the disappointments and our achievements. Being present during the whole process and enjoying each second of it. Knowing that you were present for yourself and for your family. 

Being able to look back, and although you are older now, with gray hair and wrinkles

You don’t feel the need to go back to fix things up because you were present, and you did your best. 

Too often we blame time for not being Fair.

Why did it go so fast?

Why do they grow up so fast?

I don’t have enough Time to do such and such. 

We forget that time is just doing its job …. It does not stop.

The clock ticks one second at a time at the same speed for all of us. 

What matters is what you choose to do with it. 

How you use that time will determine how proud you will be 10 years from now. 

And how enjoyable will the process be. 

The clock is ticking, enjoy it. 

Plan – DO – Adjust

Years ago I learned from Tony Robbins the “Plan, do, adjust” concept and the more i work with people the more I see how valuable and important this lesson is.

It goes well with this phrase:
If you keep doing what your are doing,
you will keep having what you have.
In order to have different results you must change.

But do I have to change completely??

Depends where you are in your life.
To some people, they have to change completely what their are doing but to many people that have started the change already, all they might have to do is to adjust.

Keep adjusting the direction of your ship until you hit the target.

A simplified version of my life changing experiences are bellow:

I had a job – liked it but did not make enough
Another job – made good money but hated it
Another job – Hated the boss
Another job – Hated the commute

Finally I decided to adjust

Started an mlm business – no money
Another one – too much hype
Another one – fake till you make it.
Another one – still no money
Another one – company failed
Another one – expensive products

I realized that doing another mlm would just be more of the same.

So I decided to adjust the direction of my ship.

Got a loan and started a traditional business.
Made some money;
overhead and interest were killing me;
Still had to commute;
Did not love printing;
Got tired of just paying bills,
2006 LA recession closed my business and I ended up with $100.000 in debt.

Moment of decision –
A- Start another traditional business?
B- Go back to an MLM?
C- Go back to a job??
D- Adjust my plan?

So I decided to adjust my plan once again.
And this time it worked. Yeyyyyyyyyy.

Lucky me?? No.
Lots of failing, hard work and adjusting.
but the message I like to place here is that:
Doing the same thing over and over and over again
won’t get you any where.
Don’t be afraid to change and adjust your plan.
Don’t be afraid to learn and research and
Plan -DO – Adjust until you do hit your target.

#TonyRobbins #Plan #Adjust #Goals

Guinness World Record for largest underwater clean up with Dixie Divers!

So proud to have been a part of this event.

I want to congratulate Dixie divers and the city of Deerfield Beach for organizing such an amazing event but also, I would love to say thanks to all the divers that made this event happen. Many of them drove or flew from far away. A special congrats to Eros Rodriguez and Marcelo Andrade for putting great energy into promoting this event and organizing our team.

As the divers arrive and register with the volunteers, they find their team and begin to set up their gear.

As the divers were released, hundreds of them marched into the ocean donning their gear including a mesh bag for garbage and debris collection.

According to CNN: The Guinness World Record-setting 633 divers retrieved at least 1,626 pounds of trash and 60 pounds of fishing line at the Deerfield Beach International Fishing Pier in Florida.

The official weight of the trash recovered is still being tallied, and the number is likely to grow, said Tyler Bourgoine, who participated in and helped organize the cleanup. Ocean conservation group Project AWARE estimates that the cleanup might have removed as much as 3,200 pounds of marine debris.

“There were countless lead sinkers … everything from a boat ladder to a barbell,” Bourgoine told CNN.

As the final number of divers is set to be announced, a crowd forms around Michael Empric, the official Guinness World Record Judge.

As the crowd hears the final count of 633, excitement ensues and cheers can be heard across the entire Deerfield Beach! Congrats to all the divers for setting a world record for a phenomenal cause!

Qual dessas será a maior epidemia na internet atualmente?

A) Coach de sucesso que nunca teve sucesso.

B) Financiador de piramide que promete de 1 a 3% de lucro ao dia.

C) Trader que ganha dinheiro vendendo cursos de trade mas nao operando.

D) Educador financeiro que nao tem dinheiro.

E) Coach de marketing de rede que nao tem um time.

Qual desses sera a maior epidemia nas midias sociais no moemento? E por que eh que as pessoas continuam perdendo dinheiro e caindo nas maos dessas pessoas?? Eu fiz um video alguns anos atraz alertando as pessoas contra piramides como Telexfree e explicando como identificar e por que evitar a qualquer custo essas falcatruas. Mas conforme vai passando o tempo as mentiras aparecem cada vez mais com cara de verdade e as pessoas continuam perdendo seu tempo e seu dinheiro. Se esse video poder economizar a frusrtracao de pelo menos uma pessoa ja valeu a pena.

So sick and tired of being broke!

Does that phrase sounds familiar?

in 2006 I was paying $1000 in interest alone. Tough time.

Being broke was a part of my life. I was loosing my business, my apartment and my joy.

“I had had enough” and something had to change.

After setting down with so many broke financial advisors I decided to do it myself and to keep it simple.

First thing I did was cut off all extra expenses. Cable, coffee, weekend leisure, etc…

Than, with the help of a friend I started a home based business to make an extra $1000 per month to start paying the credit cards interest.

And I started paying myself first. That was a new concept and it made all the difference in my world. I spent years waiting for the perfect time to start saving just to learn that time will never be perfect. I used to pay the IRS first why not pay myself first. I started with $100 per month. Before I paid the IRS or my mortgage I would transfer $100 to my savings.

That gave me confidence. I had money saved and was never dried of cash again. Emotionally that gave me strength and hope.

If I could share one thing with you today it would be “Pay yourself first”. You deserve it.

13 years later:

My extra income became my main business and managing my savings and investments became my extra income and it became fun. I still pay myself first and today it is more than the initial $100.

No matter the amount, start today! Pay yourself first.

You deserve to be FREE. You deserve financial success.

God Bless

Fabricio Nobre

Want my FREE report?

Click here and request my FREE report called “Business Blue Print”.

Ten things you should look into a network marketing or eCommerce company before you join.

After failing in 10 different businesses I decided to stop and study before doing anything else. I came up with 10 things I wanted in a company before I would invest my time into it again.

After looking into many businesses I found what I was looking for and finally I created a successful business.

Now, 13 years later, I am sharing this list with you.

Pick it up at:

Invest into your emotional bank account.

I feel blessed to have so many great friends, and ridding my bike w Neto Garcia and Patricia Diniz after we scubdived together just a few days ago got me thinking. It’s not enough just to call people friends, if we don’t invest our time and share experiences w them that friendship will never grow. Even w our kids, if we don’t invest our time w them, they will still be our kids but we won’t know them and they won’t know us. #TonyRobbins says that life is made of memories and if we repeat those memories over and over w our kids it becomes a tradition and that they will forever remember.

A unexpected phone call, a quick text saying hello, a walk on a park, lunch, bbq, a car ride together, etc…… those things will create a bond and eventually a loving relationship.

Its so easy to get busy with life and ignore our loved ones and eventually feel empty and lonely. At the end of the day you will feel fulfilled or empty based on how much time you spent with the people you care about. It doesn’t matter how productive you were at work and how many likes you got on your social media posts, if you did not invest time in the people you care about your emotional bank account will feel empty.

I tell my daughter my goal is to be a millionaire. She asks me what is a millionaire and I tell her that is someone with a million friends. I don’t mean a million likes nor a million followers, I mean a million friends. People I care about and that care about me.

So, my friends ……. let’s create opportunities to spend time together and continue to create great memories.
And specially ….. create memories and traditions w our kids. Give them the gift of getting to know you, give yourself the gift of getting to know them.

Screen Shot 2017-02-02 at 12.28.55 PM a comment

Why a home based business makes dollar sense.

Posted on March 20, 2017

One thing i learner on this country is that taxes were made for the rich and by the rich. So if you want to become successful you must learn how to take advantage of it.

Although you and I are not accountants we need to understand the basics otherwise you will be paying way too much in taxes instead of keeping that money and creating your wealth.

This video talks a bit about it. I hope you enjoy an take action today.Leave a comment

Really cool App that makes you money

Posted on March 9, 2017

Saving your money and paying your self first is a very important principle for success and very few people do it.

I found this app through a good friend of mine many months ago and I’m loving it. It automatically saves your spare changes and it invests it for you.

So, now, every time i spend $5.45 it rounds it up and it moves 55 cents into my acorn account and it invests into the stock market for me.

Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 8.40.08 AM.png

Have you noticed how changes quickly adds up? And it sits in a jar and it does nothing for you. This app will keep your jars empty, it will keep every single penny safe and it will make it work for you.

Just awesome.

Watch and see how in very little months you have a nice extra savings going on for you and for your family.

You can read about it and down load the app from here:

Link your accounts to it and start investing and saving today.

Pay your self first and create prosperity for your family,

Fabricio NobreLeave a comment

Want to Make Some Cool Videos?

Posted on March 7, 2017

Hey guys, hope you are all doing great. Just want to share an App i’ve been using for a while for my family’s videos and to promote my business. It’s called VivaVideo and its free.

Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 8.27.34 AM

It will take a few minutes of playing around in order to get used to it but its easy, fun and you do it right from your phone.

Here are a couple examples on my video page, check it out:


Fabricio NobreLeave a comment

55 Formas de Prospectar

Posted on January 11, 2017

Lista de 55 ideas de cómo prospectar. No sabemos donde puede estar tu próximo líder. Hay que buscar los.

  • Mercado caliente –
    Asegúrese de ponerse en contacto con TODOS
    tus conocidos. No prejuzgue a nadie. Es uno de los errores mas comunes en nuestro negocio.
  • Conocimientos casuales –
    Sus mejores perspectivas son normalmente
    Personas que no conocen bien como amigos de amigos y
  • Referencias –
    “Tengo una idea de negocio que puede ayudar a los agentes de bienes raíces. ¿Conoces a alguien que esté interesado?
  • Persona esperando en línea en la tienda.
    – La manera más fácil de iniciar una conversación es
    sonreír y decir “Hola, ¿cómo estás?”
  • Restaurante (Servidores) –
    Pregúntales cuánto tiempo han pasado
    Trabajando allí y luego dicen que deben amar su trabajo. Ellos van a
    No está de acuerdo y entonces esa es su apertura.
  • Restaurante (Propietarios) –
    Si usted los firma, usted promete que recibirás todas las reuniones de almuerzo / cena allí. Es una victoria
  • Gimnasios –
    Ahí esta la gente que quiere lograr más en la vida. Si vende productos nutricionales entonces es más fácil todavía
  • Pequeñas empresas locales –
    Camine a cualquier empresa local, como
    Dentista, peluquería, tienda de bicicletas, etc.
    A menudo los propietarios están luchando o simplemente
    cansados de “poseer un trabajo” y están abiertos a la oportunidad.
  • Ligas deportivas –
    Es fácil construir relaciones y crear confianza
    cuando participas o tu hijo jeuga en una equipo y compiten
  • Area de alimentacion –
    Una forma muy eficiente de acercarse a muchas personas
    Poco tiempo ya que todo el mundo se concentra en un área pequeña
  • Colegios –
    Los estudiantes siempre están buscando ganar más dinero
    Ya sea para ir de fiesta o para empezar a pagar sus préstamos estudiantile
  • Estacionamientos –
    Estas personas hacen muy poco dinero y pueden
    Estar abierto a la oportunidad. Cada vez que entra o sale, puede
    sueltar tu tarjeta de visita
  • Amigos de Facebook –
    Puede que no sean un verdadero “amigo”, pero
    Son una perspectiva
  • Búsqueda en Facebook –
    Aprende a usar la búsqueda de amigos para encontrar
    Posibles prospectos en su área. Echa un vistazo a sus perfiles y
    Felicitarlos y construir una relación con ellos
  • Grupos de Facebook –
    Encuentra grupos específicos que tienen
    común. Sólo recuerde no vender inmediatamente. Generar confianza
    Primero contribuyendo al grup
  • Página de Facebook –
    Crea una página y luego invita a tus amigos
    A su página. Si tienes buen contenido, la gente se convertirá en
    interesado en ti. La coherencia es la clav
  • Twitter –
    Gran manera de gente nueva gent
  • Pinterest –
    Publicar cosas que son interesante
  • Instagram –
    Crear grandes imágenes. Excelente manera de comercializar
    El estilo de vida nuestro negocio
  • LinkedIn –
    Gran fuente de prospectos tipos “S” que son
    Más serio y exitoso que el público de Faceboo
  • Grupos de LinkedIn –
    Igual que
    Grupos de Facebook pero otra fuent
  • Youtube –
    Crear información
    Video que son útile
  • Firma del correo electrónico –
    Dejado todos sepa lo que usted está hasta en
    cada correo electrónico que envíe
  • Ezine –
    Escribe un correo electrónico semanal que puede ser una combinación de un Diario e información útil y enviar a su lista. Así es como mi blog nacio
  • Sitio Web personal con Blog –
    Buen contenido del blog siempre atrae a la gente
  • Lista de correo electrónico –
    Construir una lista de correo electrónico y proporcionar una buena coherente contenido. Que crea confianza y relaciones
  • Búsqueda de Google –
    Busque las personas que desea contactar. Si usted sabe que cierta industria está disminuyendo y la gente está perdiendo Puestos de trabajo, puede buscar en línea. Por ejemplo, si los bienes inmuebles Los agentes están teniendo un momento difícil vender casas en San Bernardino, Puede buscar los “agentes inmobiliarios San Bernardino”
    Estupendo Lugar para encontrar reuniones en tu área local
  • Red de Negocios Internacionales (BNI) –
    Red con Otros propietarios de negocios. Lugar para dar y obtener referencias.
  • Cámara de Comercio –
    Similar a BNI
  • Seminarios y Conferencias –
    No sólo conocerás Personas que quieren lograr más en la vida, invertirán en Tu auto-educación
  • Asociación de Padres y Maestros –
    Cuanto más das más vuelves. Le permite ampliar su red local
  • Eventos deportivos para niños –
    Excelente manera de conocer a los padres que
    Siempre quieren pasar más tiempo con sus hijos
  • Fiestas de cumpleaños –
    ¿Por qué los padres lanzan estos para su
    Niños Una razón es para los niños pero otra razón es para el
    Padres para pasar el rato y la red! Como padre de 2 muchachas jóvenes,
    Lo sé.
  • Grupos de mamás –
    Estancia en casa las mamás son grandes
    Ya que muchos están aburridos en casa o quieren
    Involucrado con algo que tiene horas flexibles.
  • Grupos de juegos infantiles –
    Al igual que las fiestas de cumpleaños y
    eventos deportivos.
  • Eventos de Caridad –
    Gran manera de construir confianza en su
  • Eventos de la Iglesia –
    Ambiente agradable y cálido para construir
  • Visitar las cabinas comerciales –
    Si no desea configurar un stand, Usted todavía puede ir y visitar a los propietarios de las cabinas! Recuerde siempre enfocarse primero en cómo ayudar a estos propietarios
  • Vendedores puerta a puerta –
    Lo mismo que los tele operadores. Esta
    Es un ganar-ganar. O se unen a su negocio o nunca lo harán
    Volver a visitarlo de nuevo.
  • Proveedores de servicios –
    ¿Quién es su gasista? Su cable
    ¿chico? No pierdas la oportunidad de prospectarlos.
  • Anuncios clasificados –
    Disponible en línea y fuera de línea. Gratis
    Publicidad para su negocio
  • Periódicos –
    Llame a los anuncios de multinivel en los periódicos. Esta gente esta gastando dinero sin muchos resultados.
  • Señales del agente inmobiliario –
    Llame a un agente de bienes raíces. Tu nunca
  • Tarjetas Drop en Libros – Ponga su Tarjeta de visita en Medio a libros en librerías.
  • Ropa –
    Use su ropa con el logotipo de su empresa
  • Publicidad de coches –
    Ponga señales en su coche con el teléfono
    Número al texto / llamada
  • Llame a las publicidades que veas en otros carros.
  • Ponga sus tarjetas de visita en limpiaparabrisas –
    Más Los lanzará, pero uno o dos no. Nunca se sabe …
  • Tarjetas de visita en tablones de anuncios –
    Tu nunca sabes quien vas a conocer.
  • Letreros –
    Coloque letreros en partes aleatorias de su
    Los mejores lugares son áreas de alto tráfico como
    Salidas de autopistas o esquina de la intersección de negocios
  • Tarjetas de visita de la llamada de Fish bowl –
    Haz tu el fish bowl y regale algunos de tus productos en cambio a la tarjeta de los empresarios locales.
  • Cabina de peaje –
    Incluya su tarjeta de visita cuando pague Tu peaje
  • Cualquier cheque que usted envía –
    Incluya su tarjeta de visita
    Cada vez que usted tiene que enviar un cheque por correo. Una persona tiene que abrir ese sobre y verá su tarjeta
  • Tarjetas postales –
    La próxima vez que estés de vacaciones envié postales
    A sus prospectos

Hay muchas formas de contactar a nuevos prospectos. El mas importante es que eliga 5 a 7 formas y haz lo con consistencia.


Fabricio Nobre Tagged formas de crear contactoslista de contactoprospectarLeave a comment

Why I Persisted After 9 Failed Companies by Fabricio Nobre

Posted on September 20, 2015

“Interview done by Simon Chan”

*Make it fun! Fabricio Nobre shares why adding enjoyment to you business makes it easier to build and duplicate. Also the simple networking advice that can blow up your list
Who is Fabricio Nobre?

Fabricio Nobre has over 14 years of MLM experience and made his first million before he turned 30 years old.

He’s trained and coached thousands of people…not just in the US, but in Europe and in Brazil; where he’s originally from.

Asides from building his global empire, Fabricio is a single father with 2 kids; Kyla and Luana.

Fabricio loves being active. He surfs, bikes, paddle boards, runs, sky dives, goes scuba diving, just to name a few things he likes doing.

A big part of his success is he turns these fun activities into great opportunities to meet new people to build his business.
Favorite Quote

“You can have everything in life you want, if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want” (Zig Ziglar)Leave a comment

My most important asset*

Posted on September 10, 2015

A great professional is perceived by many by his or her perfect resume. Aside from the corporate courses and experiences, emotional balance is something of great value nowadays. I know many people today, unfortunately, that in order to reach the top of the business world, damaged their family relationships. And the most important business, “the company of life”, can take a long time to reorganize.
As for me, my most important asset is my family. My girls. They mean the world to me. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for them. I take the time to invest in my future, to invest in them. I give them all my love, care, and most importantly, my time.

>>I am immensely grateful to have a business in which allows me to spend time with those I love… What about you? What does your job allow you to do?<<

Fabricio Nobre

Leave a comment

Isso é uma piramide??

Posted on July 22, 2015

Tendo houvido falar na Amway em 1993 por primeira vez, foi tambem a primeira vez que escutei a pergunta, “Isso e uma piramide?” Sem saber que em 2000, nos Estados Unidos, seria apresentado para esse conceito e essa pergunta uma vez mais.


Nos ultimos 13 anos daiquiri muita experiencia, boas e mas, dentro do marketing multinivel, ou marketing de rede, ou piramide se voce preferir, e gostaria de compartilhar com voces alguns conselhos e algumas ferramentas para evitar que voce se envolva com a verdadeira piramide. Aquela que eh illegal, que nao so voce pode perder muito dinheiro e sua reputacao, mas que tambem pessoas vao presas por estarem envolvidas com elas.

Existira essas ditas piramides?? Sim, claro, mas tambem existem as empresas legitimas e voce deve saber diferenciar uma da outra.

Primeiro gostaria de compartilhar algumas paginas aonde voce pode adquirir informacoes legitimas sobre empresas e sua etica professional.

Paginas como:

Em Segundo lugar gostaria de exclarecer algumas leis basicas para tornar uma empresa legitima ou nao:

  • Sempre deve existir a troca justa de um produto ou servico. Se a empresa vende um aparelho telefonico, por exemplo, por $1500 ou mais, nao seria considerado uma troca justa. Empresas que cobram $750 para voce entrar mas te dao a opcao de assinar as vezes que vc quiser, por exemplo, compre 10 posicoes pagando $7500 e voce podera ganhar muito mais. Essas sao jogadas ilegais que as verdadeiras piramides usavam e continuam usando hoje em dia.


  • A empresa deve ser registrada nos Estados Unidos com endereco e telephone de contato. Registrada com o BBB e DSA association.
  • Suas comissoes devem ser enviadas regularmente. Se a empresa esta segurando suas comissoes com a promessa que voce ganhara mais, CORRA. A empresa tambem nao pode incentivar voce a colocar mais e mais dinheiro com a promessa que assim voce ganhara mais. Todo negocio real deve ser criado atravez do movimento de produtos e servicos em troca do dinheiro!!
  • Peca por “income estatisticas”, programa de retencao de clientes, garantias da parte da empresa.
  • Se existir produtos, peca por documentacao provando qualquer promessa que a empresa faca: Selo de produtos organico, FDA approved, estudos clinicos, provas de cura ou melhoria de qualquer doenca. Documentacao das storias de sucesso, copias de cheques, 1099 de algumas pessoas, etc…… E um negocio que voce esta analizando entao nao tenha medo de pedir documentacoes e provas.

Hoje em dia com a internet voce pode descubrir muitas coisas, sabendo aonde procurar. Assim voce evitara a perda de tempo e dinehrio e encontrara um negocio real para voce construir para o beneficio de sua familia. O mundo das vendas direta pode ser maravilhoso mais infelizmente tambem existem muita falcatrua la fora querendo devorar o seu dinheiro.

Como uma regra geral, se existe a promessa de dinheiro facil, e o unico que voce tem que fazer e investir $1000, ou $3000, ou as vezes mais, e que voce esta tendo a sorte de ser uns dos primeiros…… corra. Esse normalmente e o convite de uma piramide que te metera em problemas.